
The  General Council

The General Council of the Bouches-du-Rhône is the deliberative assembly of the French department of the Bouches-du-Rhône, a decentralized territory. It is located in Marseilles.
It is composed of 57 councilors from the 57 « cantons » of the Bouches-du-Rhône.
The president of the General Council is Jean-Noël Guerini . The objective of this council is to distributes help for families, students, disabled people.
It proposes aids in several domains  as  health, education, culture, sport, youth, spatial planning, transportation, tourism, environment and handicap . It is financed by the French  state.

I) Health

In terms of public health , the General Council proposes many devices for  prevention , for example the campaign against AIDS. It continues its mission at the request of the State with Information Centers and anonymous testing and free and Information Centers. In these centers, but also in the centers for Family Education managed by the General Council.
Access to vaccination is also a priority for the voluntary  health policy of the General Council. 

II) Education

Concerning education, the General Council is responsible for the « colleges » (school from the age of 11 to 15). It participates to the building of the educational establishments.
The General Council has for mission to give all their chances to all the young people. Specific devices are implemented : books, dictionaries, computers and atlases are given to to the pupils. It also participates for the transport of the students and their sports activities.

III) Environment

The General Council perserves an exceptional  environment for the future generations. This is the goal fixed  by the General Council of the Bouches-du-Rhone. : preserving  areas  of forests, water, air, and energy. The General Council is comitted in a process of mobilization and awareness to contribute to protect our environment.

The Regional Council in PACA

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

What is a ''Regional Council'' ?

    The Regional Council is an assembly. Every region possesses one.
In this council there is a lot of Regional Councilors, elected by the votes of the citizens every 6 years, and one president elected by each Regional Councilor.
The number of councilors depends on the size of the region, the biggest it is, the most numerous they are. In France, there are 26 regions. The PACA region is divided in six departments, it is located in the south-east of France and Marseilles is its most important city.

Its Skills :

The Regional Council has a lot of missions, in many fields :

For example, the Regional Council takes care of the construction, the equipment and the maintenance of the high schools in the whole region.

Moreover, the Regional Council has to manage the town and country planning and the planning of big works as airports, roads or canals.

In addition to that, it is the same council which takes care of the learning and the vocational training and of the economic development of the region.

It sets up financial support programs for the industry, the craft, the agriculture, the tourism, the trade with others countries. With all these missions, we understand better why there are so many  Regional Councilors.
The Regional Council is a very good thing, it improves our country and creates a lot of works.
It is a very important working source. Indeed, we know that it accounts 22.600 employees in these Councils in France.
The Regional Council is also an important help for poor people, it provides the RSA and other allowances and it is the employer of helped contracts to try to begin a new working life.
The Regional Council is in fact what represents our state of France in our Region.

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