The Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce
It is the oldest in the world : it was created on August 5th 1599 by Marseille’s consuls as a commerial office in order to defend the interests of the maritime trade of the city. The difficult times were due to piracy and wars.
King Henry IV approved it in April 1600 : it was the only Chamber of Commerce in France.
Then with King Louis XIV, the Chamber of Commerce had more responsibilities : the port and navigation, the protection of merchant ships, the local economy and the administration of the commercial ports of the Levant and Barbary (trade, diplomacy etc.).


In 1852, it was decided to build the « Palais de la Bourse » for the meetings of the Chamber of Commerce. Louis Napoléon Bonaparte laid the first stone in 1852, when he was the prince-president. When he became emperor, he came back tp inugurate the « Palais de la Bourse ». It was the first building in the city with metallic beams.
Two statues were created by the sculptor Ottin (a Grnd Prix de Rome award winner). They represent the sailors Pythéas and Euthymènes and they can be seen on the frontage of the building as well as the allegories of Marseilles and France.
On the pediment of the Palace, there are the spirits of Commerce and Navigation carved by Eugène Guillaume.
In the 19th century, the Commodity Exchange, the Commercial Tribunal, traders’associations, mercantile brokers and the Chamber of Commerce were housed in the Palace.


Since 1834, testimonies to the past of the city have been displayed to the public : models of vessels, masterpieces inspired by the port, navigational instruments, advertising posters etc.

The Marine Museum is completed by a gallery for temporary exhibitions related to the contemporary commercial and industrial life.



We visited the chamber of commerce on Friday, September the 28th, 2012. We left at 10 o'clock and we walked in the street « Saint-Ferréol ». We observed the front of the Chamber of Commerce : there are the statues of two phocean navigators, Euthymène and Pythéas. Inside the chamber of commerce, there is a big and beautiful room with a high ceiling and the floor is in marble. Itis very impressive !


Among all the works of the exhibition, we chose « Postcard from Marseille » because it shows the place where we live. It was so entertaining to search buildings that we can recognize !

« Postcard from Marseille » is a photographic work : it measures 180*284 cm. It was designed by FRP2 a pair of italian artists : Filippo Piantanida et Roberto Prosocimo.

This picture seems to be real but it is not. It is an assemblage of different buildings and landscapes of Marseille. Filippo Piantanida and Roberto Prosdocimo have modified a picture that they have taken : some elements have been removed and other ones have been multiplied in several exemplaries ! These artists have also added other elements taking place in Marseille in accordance with their wishes and imagination. FRP2 seeks to produce a new look for this place, so that, this picture makes people doubt.

In 2008 and 2009, FRP2 have worked in interiors like theaters, museums or luxurious hotels. They have done works in baroque style. In 2010 Filippo and Roberto have made two series in minimalist style by focusing on the space. « Postcard from Marseille » is the culmination of many years of research !



On September 28th 2012, we went to the Chamber of Commerce of Marseille. We went by the street called Rue Montgrand, then we took the street Saint Férreol.

The chamber of Commerce

Before entering, we studied the frontage of the building. This Palace is a monument of Marseille which contains the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the Marine Museum and Economy Museum. The building was built from 1852 to 1860 by the architect Pascal Coste.Inside the building we could see an exhibition of contemporary art, but also masterpieces in the Marine World.

We were forbidden to touch, but we were allowed to take pictures. After the full visit of the museum, we focused on one particular piece of art..

We choose “Les grands rangements paysages d'objets”: Amal grand prix et nappe au crochet” that is to say “The landscapes of objects” in English) from the author Gilles BOUDOT. We chose this work because the photos of this author are extremely strange, difficult to represent and full of humor. The picture represents a quay/harbor and it is made of the objects found in the trash. This picture is a wink, given that, when looking at it closely we can see a lot of objects together, which creates a landscape.

Description of the picture

On the picture we can see the wall which is quite dark, which probably represents the weather, that is to say, pretty much cloudy or thundery.

The sea is represented by a mirror.

The leopard patterned material which represents a sea wall.

An embroidered tablecloth represents the land.

The cardboard represents the quay.

The boat is represented by a flat and old iron.

There is also plenty of other objects on this picture which represents a workshop of objects, picked up from the trash, like a chest, hose, match, pencil, spool of thread, candle, pipe testing support, rapper for cheese, car counter, pen, wire netting, pencil box, plastic box, fishhook, cocktail parasol, wooden ruler, rubber and staple box.....

The landscape is represented in a wonderful and inspiriting way. In the museum we could also see some others pictures of Gilles Boudot which were also made of objects and represented landscapes.

On Friday September the 28th, we went walking from our high school to the Chamber Of Commerce. We took Saint-Ferreol street. When we arrived, we talked about the Chamber of Commerce and its history. We talked about the statues in the front of the museum.
Then, we went in. The first thing we saw was the ceiling, it was very high and there were names of countries on the ceiling.

After we saw many modern artworks. There was one which represented dragibus. There were pictures of different places of Marseilles, but there were together into one photo. We saw all the artworks, there were very interesting.
We also visited the Museum of the Navy. There were scubas, models and artworks about the sea. We had to choose one of the artworks and we had to describe it, we chose the scuba because it remind us of the Past.

After that, we went back home at midday, and some went back to Montgrand high school.



We saw this masterpiece in the Gallery of Marseille's Chamber of Commerce. It was a part of a modern and contemporary art exhibition, with other photos of the same artist and the same set called: «Les Grands Rangement Paysages d'objets».

We have chosen this photo because we like photography and this one attracted us. When we looked closer, we realized that it was not a real landscape but miniature scenery made of different objects. So, we found it original and interesting. It is composed of many things as a pink blanket, a metallic brush, a sieve, a battery, a plastic sheet...

The fact that the artist has specified the colour of the blanket, whereas it's a black and white photo, has puzzled us.

The pink blanket must be the coast. The plastic sheet is covered with a very little amount of water. According to us, it represents the sea where we can see two boats, made with several objects. The big one seems to be a war ship and the smaller one may be the shuttle between the ship and the coast. The war boat is moored with mooring ropes to the coast and in the sea.

The artist have certainly wanted to create a miniature landscape to make people believe that it was a real one and to make them react.

Here is the masterpiece «Couverture rose et brosse métallique».



This scuba dates from the 18th or 19th century. With the time, it has been  damaged. It is made of metal, which had to resist to salt, and now it is brown because it is rusty. To enter into the the scuba the diver had to unscrew the top part.
This scuba is very heavy given that when the people used this type of scuba, they needed it to be heavy to go to the bottom of the sea.
There was a pipe which was linked to the boat, then they could breathe under the water. In the soles of the shoes, there was plumb to make it heavier.
They went to the bottom of the sea to built many things or to observe the sea.  In this photo we can see an example of underwater construction.

"DRAGIBUS"  by Laurent Perbos

We left the Lycée Montgrand walking with Mrs BERTRAND, Mrs SHAEFFER and Mrs SOLER.
We crossed St Féréol Street and we arrived to the Palais de la Bourse (Stock Exchange) near the Vieux Port.
We first admired the façade of the building, where the names of the great sailors and sculptures in bas-relief are, before going into the building.
Inside we admired the architecture and we saw an exhibition of old and modern art. There were statues, model boats, paintings and old objects in connection with the sea or the commerce. There was also an exhibition of modern art to help launching young artists on their career. 

« Dragibus » by Laurent Perbos

We chose the art work « Dragibus » because it is full of colours and funny. It looks real like Haribo’s dragibus and also because we were hungry (it was 11.30 am).

It is made of blowed and frosted glass Dragibus of big size.
The Dragibus are arranged as if they had been thrown there like a handful of candies.
We think that the artist wanted to make reference to his childhood through the image of candies, and that it is a happy memory. The size of the Dragibus shows the weight and the influence of his childhood on his life.
All colours (of Dragibus) are represented.
We enjoyed reproducing it with real Dragibus : 


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