Working on Transports: Road Network

Travail sur le réseau routier en PACA

Le réseau autoroutier de la région PACA compte 6 autoroutes dont
4 principales :
  • l'autoroute A7 qui rejoint Marseille à Lyon (312 km)
  • l'autoroute A8 qui relie l'A7 et Aix à la frontière italienne en passant par la Côte d'Azur (223km).
  • l'autoroute A50 qui relie Marseille à Toulon (70 km) .
  • l'autoroute A51 qui relie Marseille à Grenoble via Gap (173 km).

et 2 moins importantes :
  • l'autoroute A52 qui relie Aix à Aubagne (23 km).
  • l'autoroute A54 qui rejoint Nîmes et Salon-de-Provence (72 km).
Sur les autoroutes la limitation de vitesse est de 130km/h et 110 km/h en temps de pluie.

Le réseau autoroutier de la région PACA est plutôt construit autour de grande ville allant vers les plus petites communes . C'est une réseau en étoile .

Lorsqu'une autoroute désenclave une région, elle participe au développement économique et permet la hausse de la valeur foncière des terrains.
Lorsqu'une autoroute est construite pour palier l'engorgement d'une route de transit, elle permet de diminuer le trafic de transit dans les agglomérations traversées par l'ancienne route principale.

La plupart des autoroutes de la région PACA ont un péage. L'argent récolté grâce aux péages permet le financement de la sécurité et de l'entretien des autoroutes. Il permet aussi de rembourser les emprunts souscrits lors de la construction de ces autoroutes.

En France, la majeure partie du réseau autoroutier est concédée à des sociétés à capitaux privés.

Des emplois sont générés grâce à la construction d'autoroutes comme les patrouilleurs, les opérateurs et journalistes radio, les employés dans les péages...

Par rapport à 2006, les accidents sur les autoroutes de la région PACA ont augmenté de 4,1% en 2007 , le nombre de morts de 13,8% et le nombre de blessés de 2,5% .

Les autoroutes servent à transporter des marchandises, à la circulation des personnes... Elles ont une fonction économique.
Mais certaines routes ont une histoire comme la Route Napoléon qui relie Grenoble à Cannes qui traverse les Alpes en passant par la ville de Gap. Cette route a été emprunté pour la première fois par Napoléon le 1er mars 1815 ayant pour but de prendre le pouvoir à Paris.
Il existe aussi la Via Domitia qui est la première route construite par les Romains en 118 avant J.C . Elle partait des Alpes jusqu'en Espagne.

En 2003, 31 979 véhicules par jour et par kilomètre ont fréquenté les autoroutes françaises ce qui représente 21% du trafic.
Le rejet de gaz à effet de serre est donc important. Il est surtout dû au camionnage à cause du nombre de kilomètres parcourus, les tonnes de marchandises transportées au kilomètre et la quantité d'énergie consommée.
Le camionnage est une source importante de nuisances sonores également.

Working on the motorway network

The motorway network of the region PACA is composed of six main highways among which there are four main motorways:
  • the A7 highway which joins Marseille to Lyon (312 km)
  • the A8 highway which connects A7 and Aix with the Italian border by the way of Côte d'Azur (223km).
  • the A50 highway which joins Marseille to Toulon (70 km).
  • the A51 highway which connects Marseille and Grenoble via Gap (173 km).
    and two less important motorways :
  • the A52 highway which connects Aix with Aubagne (23 km).
  • the A54 highway which joins Nimes to Salon-de-Provence (72 km).

On the highways, the speed limit is 130km/hour and 110 km/hour when the weather is rainy.

The motorway network of the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur was buit around big cities and go towards the smallest municipalities. It is a network with the shape of a star « in star »

When a highway opens up a region, it contributes to its economic development and it allows the rise of the value of the lands it crosses.
The construction of a highway allows the reduction of the traffic in the built-up areas.

Most of the highways of the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur have a toll and are managed by the private company ESCOTA. The money from the tolls is collected and used for the roads maintenance, the financing of the highways' security and used for paying back the loan made for the highways' construction.
Jobs are generated thanks to the construction of highways, such as the traffic patrollers, the employees in the tolls, in the road engineering, the operators and radio journalists.

Compared with 2006, the accidents on the roads increased by 4,1% in 2007, the death number by 13,8% and the number of wounded persons by 2,5%.

Highways have an economic and touristic function,. They are used to transport goods and for people movement.
There are roads with a history like the «Route Napoléon» which joins Grenoble to Cannes crossing the Alps and the city of Gap. This road was taken for the first time by Napoleon March 1st, 1815 with the aim of taking the power in Paris.
There is also Via Domitia which is the first road built by the Romans in 118 before J-C. It starts from the Alps to Spain.

In 2003, 31 979 vehicles frequented the French highways per day and by kilometer which represents 21% of the traffic.
The discharge of greenhouse gases is thus really important. It is especially due to the haulage; because of the number of covered kilometers, the tons of goods transported in kilometer and the quantity of consummate energy. The haulage and the traffic are an important source of noise pollutions.
Samia  et  Laura

Nowadays, France has an excellent road and motorway network. French motorways, known as autoroutes, are written with numbers preceeded by the letter A (for Autoroute). Thus, when driving to the south of France from Calais, you can either take the A16 towards Paris or (normally an easier solution) the A26 via Rheims.
The normal speed limit on French motorways is 130 km/h or 110 km/h if it’s raining.


On this map, we can see that there is a lot of highways around the area of Paris. All highways start from there and continued to other cities: it is as if Paris were the center, the beginning of all highways.
However, we can observe that on the West side, the number of highways is very limited.
Moreover, all the highways are connected to each other.
Here are best ways for driving to the south and west of France.

Highways of the PACA region :

In the highways, the name of the cities which are nearby, are written on a road sign which shows the direction and the road to take.

There is a lot of rest stops and service stations, called Aires in French. They have gas stations, restaurants and picnic areas with open space for children.


Most of the French highways are toll motorways, they are not free; and the entrances to them are indicated by the word "Péage". The procedure is to take a ticket from a booth as you enter the highway; tolls are paid either when you leave the highway, or when the toll section comes to an end.
There are signs on French toll gates: 
* A red cross means that the toll is closed
* A green arrow means that the toll is open 
* A blue rectangle means that the toll is only for
credit card
* An orange T means that it is only for cars fitted
with toll car charging sensors.

There are a few free motorways in France. It’s possible to drive in France and avoid all tolls, but it is not the necessarily the best or the most economical solution.

  • advantages:
Cars give us a lot of benefits. Travelling by car gives us the liberty to move wherever we want. It is really useful and practical.
First of all, having a car can help us in our work because for example if we work far from our home, taking the car saves us a lot of time on a long distance.
Moreover we can make money by doing car-pooling. For tourism, using a car is a good way to visit cities: people from other countries can rent a car and start their trip alone.

And finally, there are accesses for goods and merchandise thanks to highways: this is an open network, which allows exchange and which improve the economic situation of the country.

  • Drawbacks:
Despite the advantages of the car, there are still some drawbacks. Cars have negative impacts on nature and ecology. Because of the important amount of CO2 emission, cars pollute the atmosphere (polluting emissions).
Moreover, there are risks of accidents. 

written by  Marie

Motorway network

The motorway network is important in the PACA region.
In 2003 the regional fleet was just over 3 million cars in circulation. The region had 560 cars per 1000 people (the national average was 518).
The transport sector represented 29% of regional energy consumption in 2003.
The transportation sector accounts for 75% of regional oil consumption. Oil consumption had increased from 1992 to 1998 faster than in the other regions of France. This can be explained by a promoting travel planning.

The benefits of road transport
They are numerous : Not only for the traffic users , but also the carriers who save time and fuel for freight, but also others, including final consumers, who can purchase products at a better price through savings on transport costs.

The drawbacks
Strengthening the "all car" lifestyle ruins the efforts made by manufacturers in terms of reducing consumption and emissions:
For ten years, improved engines, catalytic converters and changing fuels have lead to high reducing emissions from motor vehicles.
But with the explosion of traffic and the trivialization of car air conditioning, road transport will continue to cause significant environmental problems .
Transport (sea and air international transportation not included) contributed about 56% of emissions of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe with only 70% due to road transport .
In the PACA region, 21% of emissions of greenhouse gases are due to road transport .
The impacts regarding the air, the global atmosphere the climate and microclimate, the water, the soil, the flora, the fauna, the noise and the public health are numerous : especially cardiovascular and lung problems but not only).
Exposure to car pollution, like smoking, is a predictor of mortality and childhood cancer.
Air pollution from exhaust gases causes respiratory diseases and contributes to global warming.

The car as a transport

We have chosen the car as a transport to visit the PACA


These are the principal highways in the PACA region

HIGHWAYS: A7 (Lyon-Marseille via Avignon), A8 (A7-Nice-Italie), A50 (Marseille-Toulon), A51 (Marseille-Gap), A52 (Aubagne-Aix), A54 (Salon de Provence - Saint-Martin-de-Crau and Arles - Nîmes), A55 (Marseille-Martigues), A57 (Toulon-A8)

This letter presents a future highway which will run from Barcelona to Genova

09/02/2011 - In a letter dated February 9th, Gaston FRANCO, Dominique VLASTO, Marie-Thérèse SANCHEZ-SCHMID, AlejoVIDAL-QUADRAS, Santiago FISAS AYXELA and Carlo FIDANZA, plead with the European Commissioner for Transport for the gratitude recognition of the LGV(HSR) Barcelona-Genoa within the trans-European network of transport ( RTE-T).

Extract of the letter:
"Monsieur le Commissaire,
Avant que la Commission européenne ne dévoile à l’été 2011 les nouvelles lignes directrices et la feuille de route sur les futurs réseaux transeuropéens de transport, nous, Députés européens PPE de France, Espagne et Italie, souhaitons réaffirmer notre soutien plein et entier au projet de ligne à grande vitesse reliant Barcelone à Gênes.
A nos yeux, il est fondamental que le réseau transeuropéen de transport soit rééquilibré vers le Sud en offrant une armature à l’Arc méditerranéen occidental et en s’ouvrant à la Méditerranée et au reste de l’Europe.
La concrétisation d’un axe ferroviaire continu et performant reliant Barcelone, Perpignan, Marseille, Nice et Gênes, permettrait de désengorger les infrastructures routières, autoroutières et ferroviaires existantes, de gérer de manière plus adéquate les flux de personnes et de marchandises et de connecter les grands ports de Méditerranée.
Ce projet aurait surtout le mérite de donner corps à la complémentarité de nos territoires et à la communauté de destin qui nous unit.
Tout en gardant l’approche globale Barcelone-Gênes à l’esprit, nous invitons la Commission européenne à soutenir de manière prioritaire les initiatives plus localisées sur l’Arc latin Méditerranéen visant à accélérer les jonctions transfrontalières".


We are working on the transports and on the road network in our region PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D’AZUR but also in FRANCE.

The road network helps connect the cities and allow exchanges and communication between them. We can see that the principal highways join in the center of France: Paris, the capital city.
These highways connect the north with the south and the west and the east.
Highways are often designated by the letters A and N which are followed with numbers.


Our means of transport is important for our economy. It has advantages but also drawbacks :

There are several advantages
Cars and highways allow the creation of many jobs. Every year more than 450 jobs are born, for example the work in factories to make cars or in tolls. The car develops the wealth of the countries with international trade. Moreover some highways may be built to transport dangerous products.


Impact on wildlife : the example of the “turtles”
The impact of the construction of a highway on animal populations is also among the factors considered when designing its route. For example the turtles. To protect wildlife from the danger of the highway, ESCOTA (Estérel, Côte d'Azur, Provence and Alpes) sets up during the new projects, closes in game area and landscape passages for wild animals, even for the smallest…

The Duke Turtles”
Between Cannet des Maures and Gonfaron, the Highway (A57, in Green)crosses places where the famous " Hermann Turtles " have been living for millennia. The highway was likely to separate the area of habitat from the breeding area, ultimately condemning this species.
From the beginning of the works, ESCOTA took, protective measures that were necessary:
• Collection of over 300 turtles to avoid their destruction
• Installation of 5 km of fence 50 cm high and buried 10 cm below the highway
Creation of two passages for turtles, " Duke Turtle” at strategic locations to maintain natural seasonal migration of the turtles.

The car is a transport  particularly comfortable. However, its use has an adverse impact on the environment, on the climate and on the air quality.
Independently of road traffic, the construction, the presence and the maintenance of road infrastructures consume natural resources, have impacts on natural environments and produce toxic emissions
V The Sources





written by younes et reyane


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