Working on Transports: River Network

The river network of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region

Endowed with an ideal location, the PACA region benefits by a set of various transport networks among which we can quote the rivers.
For a lot of people in PACA, the river seen as a means of transport linked to the economy of the region is not well known.
It is a heritage of the past (cf : The Roman times with Arles as a capital city) and a major stake for the region.
The hydrography of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is dominated by the river Rhône, a navigable river which separates th Languedoc-Roussillon region frome the PACA region.
The Rhône’s delta, which constitutes the Camargue, is almost completely situated in the region territory.
One of its main affluents, the Durance (320 km), a river with quasi-torrential character, is the main axis of penetration in the mountainous part of the region : the Alps. The artificial Serre-Ponçon Lake in the Hautes Alpes is the 2nd biggest in Europe. Sainte Croix Lake between the Var and the Alpes de Haute Provence is also artificial and with its turquoise waters attracts lots of visitors in summer. The impressive Gorges du Verdon form the vastest canyon in Europe, with five lakes. Though these lakes are not used for transport, they attract many tourists and are a source of income for the region.

The Rhône, a means of transport
The barges of Freycinet type measure 38, 50 m of length with a 350 ton capacity. Very numerous 20 years ago, they represent only 2 % of the Rhone fleet today.
The Rhône is characterized by a navigation with boats which can transport 2000 to 4000 tons of goods.
The transport by inland waterway is increasing : more than 33 % over the last 10 years, in spite of a decrease in 2007, with sectors of main goods such as the food-processing industry (farm products + food), energetics (main fuels + petroleum products), metallurgical (ores and metal scraps + waste of the metal industry), building materials or still chemical products or heavy parcels and conveys.
The Rhône in 2007 has a traffic of 671 100 EVP.

The employment on the river network mixes several areas (security, environment, merchandising, but also construction sites, engineering on construction of new means of transportation, or transportation corridors,…). More over, the river network is still developing so there is much to be done in construction sites.
In order to develop the river network, the industries receives financial help to preserve the environment, modernize the boats and make navigation safer, and for the emergence of new line of river transport and finally to promote and renew the professions linked to the riverway network.

The protection of the environment
The Rhône and its close environment offer numerous resources for the leisure activities : nautical sports activities, leisure centers etc.
The development of river tourism is a European and national concern. The ambition is to find " a good ecological state " of the aquatic circles before 2015.

Advantages of river transport
The river network is less polluting compared with the other means of transport such as the rail or road transport. It corresponds to approximately 2,6 times less greenhouse gas emissions than road transport. It is an ecological mode of transportation that serves the needs of local economies and avoid excessive reliance on the road.
A few numbers to think :
A single barge equals 140 trucks, a train equals 80 trucks. With 5 liters of fuel per ton of merchandises, a barge can travel : 75 times more distance than a plane and
5 times more than a truck.
Other advantages can be quoted :
an attractive cost
reliability, safety, flexibility and fluidity
River transport has a part to play in the sustainable development and optimization of our region’s resources.

Unfortunately, the river network is limited to the main rivers. Also, this network is less known than the railway network or the highway network, so it provides less jobs.
Moreover, the river network implies some limits. There are problems of pollution. And the rivers of PACA are not used enough for merchandise transport and tourism.
Finally, the link between the Rhone and the Rhine is not efficient even if it could represent an important economic opening of our the region to Europe.



A map of France:


The map represents France with the more important rivers of the country.


I have chosen to work on the river network because I love boats. My mother works in a boat company. But I knew nothing about the river network because it is different from the sea. I wanted to learn more about this subject: especially about transport, work and tourism.


Increasing environmental concerns, sustainable development and the problems associated with saturation of our roads encourage more companies to find other means of moving goods. In this evolution, the river transport has an ever more important role to play.

Compared to other modes of freight transport,the river transport has many advantages. Thus, they are:

A safe and reliable solution: the risk of accidents is extremely reduced.

A green solution: it is a mode of transport environmentally friendly. Indeed, a sailing ship of 1,350 tons at full load means at least 40 fewer trucks on the roads!

A competitive and economical solution: it is an efficient energy which emits less CO2 and can carry very large tonnages. It is therefore a low-polluting means of transport.

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